Pretty interesting article New Research Offers Portrait of Megachurch Attendees
Here's the highlights
- Nearly two-thirds of megachurch attenders are under 45 years old, as compared to only one-third for all Protestant churches (62% vs. 35%).
- Nearly a third of megachurch attenders are single, unmarried persons. In a typical church, singles account for just 10% of the congregation.
- Megachurch attenders are both more educated and more affluent than attenders at other churches.
- The majority of megachurch attenders are not necessarily new to Christianity but nearly a quarter had not recently been in another church before coming to a megachurch.
- While newcomers almost always attend a megachurch at the invitation of family, friends or co-workers, the real attraction tends to be the church’s reputation, worship style and senior pastor.
- Long-term attendance flows from an appreciation for the church’s music/arts, social and community outreach and adult-oriented programs.
- 45% of megachurch attenders never volunteer at the church, and 40 percent are not engaged in a small group, the mainstay of megachurch programming.
What do you think: news, not news? - good, bad?