So in all honesty, part of my decision to attend law school is born out of my dissatisfaction with the ability of the church to effect real change. I'm probably a little jaded in this area, but I think statistics concerning behavior of church attenders and non-church attenders would back me up.
That said, in-spite of everything, I believe in the church. I love the church, and despite my reservations, I know that it can be a change agent in the culture and in public policy.
So what is the churches role? I do think that in many respects the church has a separate and distinct mission. But at the same time, the ultimate aims of public policy and church often overlap. What follows are several ways I think that churches can contribute to the health of their communities by contributing to the dialog on public policy in constructive ways.
That said, in-spite of everything, I believe in the church. I love the church, and despite my reservations, I know that it can be a change agent in the culture and in public policy.
So what is the churches role? I do think that in many respects the church has a separate and distinct mission. But at the same time, the ultimate aims of public policy and church often overlap. What follows are several ways I think that churches can contribute to the health of their communities by contributing to the dialog on public policy in constructive ways.