May 16, 2006

Throw them all out

Between this: Democratic congressman denies bribery charges

And this: Kentucky governor indicted over hiring practices

And this: DeLay is facing criminal charges

I want a new class of elected officials.

Right now, in my mind, most elected officials are guility by association. I'm not saying everyone should be charged with something, nothing like that. But if half the people up for election got thrown out on their ear that would be fine with me. At a certain level, I don't care who replaces them, or what party their from. We need some new blood in there, making it clear to those that remain that they work for "we the people", and not for their own gain, or the special interests perpetually chattering in their ear!

As a side note, the fact that two of those people listed above are Republicans, and the fact the Abramoff scandal disproportianally affects Republicans, illistrates why I think evangelicals have made a grave mistake in associating themseleves so closely with the Republican party. There are plenty of aspects of both parties that are both Christ-like, and anti-Christ.


wennejunk said...

I agree that it would certainly provide a large breath of fresh air if many career politicians were tossed out. I think Congress is stagnant and has little will to tackle tough subjects.

That said, two (or many) Republicans indicted does not indicate that Evangelicals have erred by aligning themselves with the Republican party.

The Republican party has thus far managed to still stay officially on platform as believing abortion and the industry that fuels it is wrong, whereas the Democrats have clung even tighter to the opposite plank. That's enough for me.

The real error evangelicals (and the rest of the conservative base)have made is to assume that once a Republican administration and Congress were elected, they would continue on auto-pilot and enact the changes we've been seeking. Not so, they are human and subject to the forces of fear, doubt, self interest, etc. As such, they will avoid the difficult tasks, if possible, unless constantly urged from behind. We have failed ourselves by not demanding they maintain the momentum. God's people rose for change, made it happen...and then sat back down and went back to watching the Simpsons and playing with their Tivo.

David Best said...

"That said, two (or many) Republicans indicted does not indicate that Evangelicals have erred by aligning themselves with the Republican party."

I don't think this is the only reason we have errored. There are several aspects of the republican platform that I disagree with, just as there are many aspects of the democratic platform that I agree and disagree with.

I don't really care who one votes for in the private ballot box. And I would actually encourage Christians to get involved in politics, which in this country tends to mean partisan politics.

What I disagree with is the feeling that to truely be evangelical, (which means "real Christian" for many) you have to agree with the republican platform, and Bush in particular.

David Best said...

What I really disagree with is the attitude that good Christians vote republican. if you do, fine, but that's not being a good (or a bad) Christian.

wennejunk said...

I agree with your comments. A 'Good Christian' does not equal 'Republican'. That is not exactly what I intended to say.

In this country, at this time in history, "Republican", on a broad level, is more closely allied with the values described as conservative, whereas "Democrat" is more closely allied with the values described as "Liberal".

I use the lable 'Conservative' to mean 'aligned with the values of Christian doctrine and belief' and 'Liberal' to mean 'opposed to Christian doctrine and belief'. Of course it is not that, but only an approximation.

That is the context in which I address the alliance of Evangelicals to the Republican party. They are the party - of the two main choices - most closely aligned to our values.

This does not mean we should blindly vote one or the other and then sit down and assume our job is done.

David Best said...


what aspect of being pro-environment (i.e. the first commandment in Gensis) or pro poor is anti-Christ? (i.e. what Jesus talked about all the time)

Or what aspect of being pro-corporate, or pro-war is Christ like?

Granted, the extreme end of the "liberal" agenda is decidely anti-Christ. But aren't some aspects of the Republican party as well?

I think it's ironic that we tend to question our pastors more than we question the President. Just because he says he is an evangelical doesn't mean he should be exempted from critique.